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COURLAND '44-WWII Short Film [1080p]

*Anti-War Film* Autumn 1944, A young soldier named Karl Franke has been shipped to Courland and must prove himself to his fellow soldiers in his first mission. ...

2017-07-04 14:25 11,591,845 Youtube

The Courland Pocket 1944-45 FULL BATTLESTORM History Documentary

The Courland Pocket formed in late 1944 as Army Group North attempted to retreat from the Leningrad Region and the Baltic States. The Soviet Red Army trapped th...

2020-07-04 24:40 414,633 Youtube

Behind the Scenes-Part I - Kurland '44 [1080p]

Um weitere spannende Kurzfilme zu produzieren bitten wir euch um eure Hilfe. Unterstützen könnt ihr uns auf For more sh...

2017-07-04 03:28 30,527 Youtube

Battle of Kurland Kessel 1944-45

Not political For historical purposes only...

2021-07-04 02:26 5,780 Youtube

SIX MINUTES OF WAR (One-Take WW2 Short Film) German side [4K]

In unserem neuesten WW2 Short Film "Six minutes of war" erhält Feldwebel Holt den Befehl mit seinem Zug einen Wald von feindlichen Soldaten zu säubern. Ohne g...

2020-07-04 07:28 5,977,339 Youtube

Courland Meaning

uploaded with File Uploader (

2016-01-14 00:30 0 Dailymotion

Kuldiga, Courland

Kuldiga, Courland...

2015-07-20 03:01 1 Dailymotion

Kuldiga,Courland HD

Kuldiga,Courland HD...

2015-04-24 02:32 2 Dailymotion

Courland ''Kurzeme'' Region Sights

Courland ''Kurzeme'' Region Sights...

2015-06-20 10:29 1 Dailymotion

New York short film-San Francisco short film-Seattle short film-Denver short film-Australia short film-Boston short film-Washington short film-Los Angeles short film-Chicago short film-Canada short film-Atlanta short film-Houston short film

New York short film, San Francisco short film, Seattle short film, Denver short film, Dubai short film, Boston short film, Washington short film, Los Angeles sh...

2018-12-16 02:28 18 Dailymotion